Physical Education and Health

The DAIS Physical Education and Health curriculum (Wellness) provides opportunities for each child to explore movement, and grow in their own understanding of their physical potential. The curriculum focuses on the development of fundamental movement skills, physical literacy, nutrition, and cooking.

The DAIS Wellness program also seeks to highlight an appreciation for good health habits, positive feelings about the human body, enjoyment of physical activity, fair play, and good sportsmanship. Students in the wellness classes develop confident attitudes about their bodies so that they are able to move freely, efficiently, and creatively. Students are encouraged to respect and appreciate one another in all situations. The ability to work closely and cooperatively with peers is a key aim of the DAIS Wellness program.

DAIS Nutrition and Cooking program

This new program initiated this school year allows students to benefit in the following ways:

1. Develop essential life skills: Cooking is a fundamental life skill. By learning to cook at DAIS, students can gain the skills and confidence they need to prepare nutritious and delicious meals for themselves and others as their skill and understanding develops.

2. Promotes healthy eating habits: Our cooking classes encourage students to develop healthy eating habits by teaching them about the importance of nutrition, and how to make informed food choices. 

3. Enhances creativity and problem-solving skills: our cooking is not just about following recipes; it’s also a creative and problem-solving activity. Our students can experiment with different ingredients, techniques, and flavors to create their own unique dishes. This process fosters creativity, encourages experimentation, and develops problem-solving skills.

4. Improves math and science skills: our classes provide a hands-on opportunity to apply math and science concepts in a real-world context. Our students can practice fractions, measurements, and conversions while learning to follow recipes. They can also learn about the science of food, such as how different cooking methods affect ingredients and the chemical reactions that occur during cooking.

5. Cultivates self-sufficiency and independence: Learning to cook at DAIS can empower our students to take charge of their own nutrition and well-being. They can become more self-sufficient and independent, knowing that they can prepare healthy and satisfying meals for themselves as their confidence grows.

6. Fosters cultural understanding and appreciation: Cooking class can be a window into different cultures and traditions. By learning about different cuisines and food preparation methods, our students can gain a deeper appreciation for how wonderfully diverse the real world is.

7. Enhances social skills and teamwork: This class provides opportunities for our students to work together, communicate effectively, and share responsibilities. They can learn to cooperate, delegate tasks, and appreciate the contributions of their peers.

8. Promoting lifelong learning and enjoyment: Cooking is a skill that can be enjoyed throughout life. As our students’ palates and preferences evolve, they can continue to explore new recipes, techniques, and cuisines, making cooking a source of lifelong learning and enjoyment.